Courtney Gray

Associate, Client Services

Favorite inspirational quote:

“Perhaps this is what this season is all about: trusting the unknowns, finding gold in the little things, trading fear of what's uncertain for freedom to thrive within it.”

–Morgan Harper Nichols

Pronouns: she/her

Areas of expertise: Board engagement, grant writing, annual giving, legacy gifts, donor retention, organizational structure, and event reconciliation

Causes I’m most passionate about: Child welfare, ALS research, adoption and foster care, eliminating human trafficking, community development

My fundraising story: About 15 years ago, I went on an interview to join an engineering firm as a support person. The kind woman conducting my interview quickly saw that my potential lies in a far different sector.  She pointed me in the right direction, lined up an alternate interview for me, and boom – the non-profit world is where I landed.  I have worked with both local and national organizations and see great strengths to each.  My most recent experiences have been with Head For the Cure, REbeL, Inc. and American Diabetes Association.

Why I care about helping nonprofits grow: Nonprofits are a small piece of joy in sometimes a very large pond and watching organizations grow and succeed through the new found strength of their donors is powerful. Nonprofits create so much good and it is evident on the faces of those who reap the benefits of the fundraising dollars being put to use.

Hobbies: Park-hopping with my two little boys, weekend adventures exploring my city, cheering on Sporting KC and US Soccer, and who can forget brunch.

Unusual talent: I have the ability to recite endless amounts of song lyrics from the top 100 circa 2002. 


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