by Kristen Corning Bedford
Discovering your philanthropic purpose, and honing the tools and resources to act on that purpose, takes consideration and contemplation. Done properly, this work is a gift to yourself and to the world.
Feminist philanthropy operates on the principles of solidarity, agency, and reciprocity. It has arisen from a movement of people who demand to be a voice at the table, to recognize nature as a guide, and to treat each other as one. Using feminism to develop our philanthropy engages a systems perspective, one that shifts our narrative from one of extraction to one of co-creation, and centers our giving on achieving wholeness and equity. When you approach your giving with this mindset, you're better able to align your privilege with your purpose.
A Generous Heart guides you on a journey to examine your intent and your passion, in order to create joyful change in the world and in yourself. You are a philanthropist—and you have everything you need to make a difference.
Join us at this month’s book club for a lively conversation with nonprofit leaders and fundraisers. We'll discuss what we've learned from the book and how we're applying it to our day-to-day lives.
[Learn more about the book and order your copy at Goodreads]
Note: This will be an interactive, small-group event. Don't have time to read the book? No worries! Join us anyway to share your experiences and learn from others.