What would you want your startup organization’s mission to achieve—if only you had the funding? What would you want your philanthropic dollars to achieve—if only you had the right investment vehicle?
As nonprofit leaders, fundraisers, philanthropists, and funders, we know what lies at the heart and power of every organization: relationships. And one of the most compelling relationships is the relationship between a nonprofit’s founder and its first funder. In these early discussions between founder and funder, an organization’s vision, mission, and values start to take root—paving the way for transformational impact in our communities.
This series features successful nonprofit founders and their first funders sharing their respective experiences in conversation:
How did they first learn about their shared passion for the mission?
What was most important in establishing trust with each other?
What conversations were most critical throughout the process?
What advice would you give to nonprofit founders looking to fund their startup nonprofit?
What advice would you give to funders on how to maximize investment in a startup nonprofit?
Lu Hanessian (she/her), Adjunct Instructor, NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs
Jabee Williams (he/him), Executive Director, Live Free OKC
Perrin Duncan (she/her), Special Projects Manager, Arnall Family Foundation
This virtual event series is offered in collaboration with the George H. Heyman, Jr. Program for Philanthropy and Fundraising within the NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs.