Jessica Lucadamo
Managing Director
Favorite inspirational quote:
“Just speak very loudly and quickly, and state your position with utter conviction, as the French do, and you’ll have a marvelous time.”
— Julia Child
Pronouns: She/her
Area of expertise: Relationship management and strategy, major gifts, case development, corporate partnerships, and cause marketing.
Causes I’m most passionate about: access to healthcare, pediatric disease research, climate science, community development and initiatives
My fundraising story: I’ve worked in the healthcare nonprofit field for my entire career - starting in events, stewardship and strategic projects and then spending the majority in frontline fundraising. I enjoy telling an organization’s story and building meaningful relationships with people interested in sharing their time, talent and treasure in support of a mission.
Why I care about helping nonprofits grow: Why wouldn’t I? It’s an important yet overlooked sector that plays a critical role in improving communities, responding to disasters, and spurring change.
Hobbies: I have a toddler, so my self-directed hobbies are limited. But they include cooking, interior design and home projects, beauty and skincare, spending time with friends and family, and a healthy amount of tv and movies.
Unusual talent: I can recite an embarrassing number of 90s tv and commercial theme songs.